Saturday, July 28, 2007

Well as a lucky few of you noticed we did indeed go live with the site last week for a couple of hours. However after evaluating it and realising we still had a little bit to go we have put off our launch until Wednesday the 1st August. We know that this is massively frustrating for our loyal blog readers but all we can say is we are right there with you, multiply your frustration by 100 and you'll be pretty close to where we are right now! The good news is that the site is looking amazing and the videos are looking incredible so once these last few tweaks have been ironed out we'll all be laughing! It'll be worth the wait we promise and sorry once again for the delay!!


Unknown said...

Keep at it. there's nothing wrong with a soft launch, or launching a few days late. It wont matter 3 months from now.

frank said...

crikey! by the time you launch, we'll be too old to remember how to start the stove.

seriously, whole internet startups come from start to finish in less time than this. those of us who are still checking in miss the vids

Unknown said...

Cher Chef, As you know from cooking in restaurants we don't serve food that doesn't meet the Chef de Cuisine's approval. I would rather wait a little extra for a delicious meal then get served a mediocre one. In short, when you're ready to serve, I'm ready to eat and not before! Gros Bisous, Ms. Glaze

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