Do Not Read This If You Are Vegatarian

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A debate has been raging in my own head for a couple of years now as to what is the best type of meat out there. There are as you would imagine three main contenders....lamb, pork and beef and even though there are plenty of other fantastic meats out there like game, poultry and venison they don't have the range of possibilities that the big 3 have! This is by no means the definitive answer on the subject as I am still in some doubt myself and my personal favourite changes weekly however after lunch today I have settled on Pork as my favourite meat at least until my next great meal and my fickle mind has been dragged off in another direction again.

I had a very simple bacon and cabbage roast lunch in a local pub today that got my mind racing on the whole subject again. Sure you can have a great steak or slow cooked oxtail, a great Irish stew or tasty lamb kebabs but I got thinking about the number of options there are with pork and it is quite literally staggering....A simple bacon buttie(sandwich for those not familiar with this), roast pork with lovely crispy crackling, black and white pudding, 1000s of varieties of sausages worldwide, Ham and pea soup, stuffed pork tenderloin, crispy pancetta, proscuitto, BBQ ribs, glazed ham, Pork ramen noodles and i could literally go on with this list from now until 2010 but I am sure you are getting the message. I think I am about as close as I possibly could be right now to agreeing in my own head that Pork is the finest meat, although I am going for a burger with friends tonight so that might all change.


Anonymous said...

Get your rear down to Limerick to Caroline Rigney's pig farm where she rears rare breeds & the fruits of her labours are sold in her farm shop on a Sunday. Sausages, bacon, ribs, belly, loin, porksteak etc.... Have yourself a pork burger tonight... said...

Thanks for the pointer Sarah! Nothing better than organic pork you are right! I might just give her a shout if I am down that way! Its been a long day and the thought of that burger with the football tonight is keeping me going!

Ruth Strong said...

Pork would be one of my favourites too. And we're having burgers tonight - pork and apple hmmmmmmm

Manuel said...

I would have starved to death if it wasn't for the pig and all it has to offer.....turned me back from the green side (vegetarianism)

lorraine@italianfoodies said...

porchetta sandwiches from a trailer on the side of the road in Italy - heaven:)!!!!

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