Is Tastespotting making a comeback?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A news flash has just arrived from Tastespotting! As most people at this stage know it was suddenly and unexpectedly shut down last Friday the 13th (coincidence?), with nothing but a post it note on a bare site to say goodbye. Much speculation followed as to the reason of their overnight departure, with copyright issues over the images on their site, or the infamous Tastespotting stalker being pushed as the likely reasons. This speculation has been quashed with 2 new notes, firstly assuring us that while there are legal issues, it is not copyright related, certainly has nothing to do with stalkers and that they hope to be back online soon! The second note is alerting Tastespotting lovers worldwide of a new addition to the NOTCOT family. Liqurious (Great Name!) is a tastespotting for drinks and it looks just as cool as tastespotting did. We wish them all the best and hope to see Tastespotting back up alongside it asap.


Anonymous said...

Not copyright, not about the stalker (though, how weird and scary was that?), just some stuff to work out, but we've been working hard to get everything all plated, garnished and ready to serve, so thanks so much for your patience :)

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