Guacamole video

Monday, April 9, 2007

I love a good bowl of guacamole and i'm not talking about the dodgy stuff you get in packets in the supermarket either, I'm talking about good quality home made stuff that will literally take you ten minutes. I think this is perfect to make just before your guests come over or even make a small bowl of it for yourself during the week as you sit down to a movie or sports event. The best way is with tortilla chips but you can even put it on chicken, fish or pork as a little sauce. I'm off to watch a match and have a nice cold beer with mine right now!


4 Avacados
2 cloves garlic
2 limes
1 red onion
1 bunch coriander
1 tomato
chili flakes


Globalwanderer said...

well have you met mr. guacomole and the tortilla guy. If not then check him out at

Unknown said...

Yummy! I don't think I've had quacomole for two years now. (Paris is not too keen on the ole avacado dip). Thanks for the recette. C'est bien ça!

Bisous, Ms. glaze

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